Inflammatory Breast Cancer

When you think of breast cancer being diagnosed, you probably think about a woman finding a lump. If there isn’t a lump, you must not have cancer right? Unfortunately for about 4% of all breast cancer patients, this isn’t the case. So many people believe that you shouldn’t be worried unless you find a lump, so maybe the yearly mammogram turns into once every two years. Check out the blog post below about the type of breast cancer when their isn’t a lump and the importance of yearly mammograms.

What is Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)?

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare, but extremely aggressive type of breast cancer that is normally found without a lump, making it hard for providers to diagnose. Inflammatory breast cancer can spread quickly and most patients are diagnosed in stages III or IV.

If there isn’t a lump, what symptoms can be used to diagnose IBC?

Because there aren’t many symptoms of IBC, it makes it even harder for providers to diagnose it. The most common symptoms of IBC include redness and swelling on the breast, as well as tenderness. You may also feel a burning sensation and notice a rapid increase in breast size. IBC can be diagnosed through biopsy and tissue samples, but many women who are diagnosed are in stage III or IV by the time it is found.

Is IBC treatable?

Yes! An IBC diagnoses, although it can be lethal, is not a death sentence. IBC can be treated with therapy, radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and other options.

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month please spread the word about inflammatory breast cancer.  For more information about inflammatory breast cancer, visit www. To make an appointment for a mammogram, or for more information please call 317-957-2000 or visit

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