Celebrate National Nutrition Month!

No one diet is right for each and every person, so with that in mind it is important to remember to follow what works best for you when it comes to a healthy eating plan.  It’s important to include delicious foods that fit your lifestyle. Eating right can always be developed to fit your specific lifestyle!

The month of March is celebrated as National Nutrition Month! This year’s theme for 2016 is “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right.” “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right” tells us that every one of us should be mindful to take time to enjoy our foods and personal traditions.

Eating for your specific lifestyle should be enjoyable as well as a way to appreciate the pleasures, flavors and social experiences food can add.  Each one of us have a reason for our eating habits and being mindful of our personal lifestyle can help us to make healthy and flavorful foods, and that is the best way to savor the flavor of eating right!

For more information on a healthy diet, call your HealthNet health center and ask to make a FREE appointment with our dietician, Karen Gough.

Post by Karen Gough


EatRight.org: http://www.eatright.org/resources/national-nutrition-month

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