Social Work: From overseas to your hometown…

What does the Navy have to do with health care at home?

Those serving in the United States Navy are not only defending our country, but they are also fighting for each one of us individually. They endure long separations from family in sometimes hostile circumstances and often come home with emotional and mental health needs. Their families also struggle with the hardships of their loved ones being gone. Social workers play a vital role in helping everyone staying strong.

The social workers at HealthNet do just the same – help families stay strong. Assisting people in managing their daily lives, coping with issues, navigating relationships, and solving personal and family problems are a few of the things they do on a daily basis. There are many different kinds of social work careers, but in the end, they are here to serve one ultimate purpose – to help provide support services to improve people’s lives.

HealthNet’s social workers provide much needed services to those living at or below the federal poverty level. Whether it is with emergency diapers, basic necessities or referrals to low cost legal services, they are here to help regardless of the person’s financial status.

To learn more about HealthNet and how you can help our social workers provide basic needs, please visit


You can help social workers assist people with managing their daily lives

What does the Navy have to do with HealthNet?

Those serving in the United States Navy are not only defending our country but they are also fighting for those who can not help themselves. They endure long separations from family in sometimes hostile circumstances and often come home with emotional and mental health needs. Their families also struggle with the hardships of their loved ones being gone. Social workers play a vital role in helping everyone stay strong.

The social workers at HealthNet do just the same – help families stay strong. They assist people in managing their daily lives, coping with issues, navigating relationships, and solving personal and family problems. There are many different kinds of social work careers but in the end they are here to serve one ultimate purpose – to help provide support services to improve people’s lives.

HealthNet’s social workers provide much needed services to those living at or below the federal poverty level. Whether it is emergency diapers, basic necessities or referrals to low cost legal services, they are here to help regardless of the person’s financial status.

To learn more about HealthNet and how you can help our social workers provide basic needs, please visit

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