OUR HEALTHNET: In the words of our Homeless Initiative Program’s Case Worker

post written by Toscha Wilkins.  Meet the rest of our blog team here.

“Our HealthNet” starts with the staff that come in every day prepared to assist our clients with getting their needs met and helping them to become self- sufficient. Debra Marshall comes in daily before our doors even open to make a fresh hot pot of coffee and to put the sign- up sheet out for the clients. She then unlocks the door and welcomes in our clients who come to the Homeless Initative Program (H.I.P.) for a variety of reasons. Other staff members; from Mandy, one of our MA’s that administers shots with caring hands to our smallest clients that are in shelters; to David, our resident professor who’s a part of the employment team; to Stacey, who sees hundreds of new faces in triage; to Donnie, who gains the trust of clients living on the street and in camps; to Gary, who says thank you to our men and women veterans by assisting them through our per diem program; to Jennifer, who has clients bringing in envelopes full of receipts to make sure their staying on budget in case management; to Trina, who makes sure all of the clients medical files are in order; to Sharon, the director of the agency who on a daily basis stays late completing grant reports and crunching numbers to make sure that HIP will be able to open our doors again  tomorrow.

Our HIP team during last year’s National Health Center Week!

“Our HealthNet” continues with the clients that walk through our doors on an everyday basis requesting assistance. HIP has long been a place where clients know they can come in and be treated with dignity and respect no matter whether they live in a shelter, where their door might be to a room that’s shared with three other people, or their own place, where their door might have an eviction notice taped on it, or in a camp, where their door might be made from a recycled card board box. Our doors have seen many faces, happy faces, sad faces, distraught faces, discouraged faces and content faces. Our job is to make sure that no matter what door they are coming from, when they walk through our doors we give them 100% of our time, our talent and our ability to make sure that they will one day walk through their own doors.

Editor’s note: This month’s theme is “Our HealthNet”!  Our bloggers have taken on this topic and are talking about how it takes a community for us to provide quality health care and support services.  Click here to find out more about our topic this month.

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